Mimubase Colleagues Directory

Colleagues Directory

The Mimubase colleague directory provides a profile view of active researchers, breeders, foresters, and related members of the community. The current directory represents 76 users from 51 organizations in 12 different countries. An active user account will enable you to access analytical pipelines and submit data directly to TreeGenes. You may also edit your profile information at any time and join our mailing list for community updates. To obtain an account, please fill out a short profile here.
Colleagues Search
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PhotoNamePositionInstitutionResearch InterestHobbies
Ashman, Tia-LynnProfessorUniversity of Pittsburghpollination, urbanization, polyploidy, adaptation
evolutionarily ecology
Baer, ChristinaProfessorBinghamton University
Bahun, BenjaminUndergraduate StudentBinghamton UniversityDifferential expression of the SVP gene in Mimulus ringens
Baker, RobProfessorMiami UniveristyEvolutionary genetics
Evolution and Development
Baumberger, RolfPostdoctoral ScholarUniversity of ZurichRapid transition in Diplacus and genera of other plant families
Long term monitory in Diplacus (= M. aurantiacus)
Berg, ColetteGraduate StudentUniversity of Montana
Blackman, BenjaminProfessorUniversity of California Berkeleyevo-devo
flowering time
phenotypic plasticity
Brennan, DarleneStaffMichigan State University
Cocioba, SebastianResearcherBinomica LabsOrnamental Flower Morphology Engineering
Coughlan, JennPostdoctoral ScholarUniversity of North CarolinaSpeciation, adaptation
Coughlin, ErinResearcherNorth Carolina State University
Creamer, KaitlinGraduate StudentUniversity of California San Diego
Ding, BaoqingPostdoctoral ScholarUniversity of ConnecticutEvolution, Development
Ding, ChengGraduate StudentNJAU
Dong, CarolinePostdoctoral ScholarTulane UniversityColoration
Duan, LinaStaffbio-techne
Dunivant, TarynGraduate StudentUniversity of KansasGenomics
Ferris, KathleenProfessorTulane UniversitySpeciation
Parallel evolution
Local adaptation
Baking, eating, running, traveling, dancing like no one's watching, instagram, reading classic British lit
Fishman, LilaProfessorUniversity of Montana
Flores, MiguelUndergraduate StudentNCSUMajestic Mimulus
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