Mimubase Colleagues Directory

Colleagues Directory

The Mimubase colleague directory provides a profile view of active researchers, breeders, foresters, and related members of the community. The current directory represents 74 users from 50 organizations in 12 different countries. An active user account will enable you to access analytical pipelines and submit data directly to TreeGenes. You may also edit your profile information at any time and join our mailing list for community updates. To obtain an account, please fill out a short profile here.
Colleagues Search
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PhotoNamePositionInstitutionResearch InterestHobbies
Testt, QiaoshanResearcherTest
Uranga, CarlaPostdoctoral ScholarJ. Craig Venter InstituteMicrobial genetics, proteomicssewing
Vallejo-Marin, MarioProfessorUppsala UniversityPollination
Veerappan, VijaykumarProfessorEastern Connecticut State UniversityTranscriptional regulation of anthocyanin pigmentation
Verdis, TimothyUndergraduate StudentSUNY Binghamton
Verma, PratimaResearcherUniversity of Delhipant biotic interaction
Wang, Chun-NengProfessorNational Taiwan UniversityPollination Biology
Flower Development
Whitener, MakenzieGraduate StudentUniversity of GeorgiaPolyploidy
Willis, JohnProfessorDuke UniversityMimulusfishing
Xiao, ZhengResearcherJiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Yuan, YaowuProfessorUniversity of ConnecticutEverything about Mimulus
Genetics, development, and evolution of phenotypic diversity, novelty and integration
Table tennis
Roller skating
zheng, xiaoResearcherJiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Zhou, PeiGraduate StudentNanjing Agricultural University
Zuellig, MatthewPostdoctoral ScholarUniversity of Berngenetics
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