Sequence Similarity Search: Diamond/BLAST


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Similarity Search Overview

Sequence similarity search is supported in TreeGenes against genes, TreeGenes UniGenes, proteins, and full genomes. Nucleotide searches are executed with BLAST (BLASTN) while protein or translated protein searches are executed with DIAMOND (BLASTX or BLASTP equivalent). DIAMOND will execute searches in a fraction of the time of BLAST at a similar sensitivity. Both packages accept similar input parameters and these can be modified below. You may upload FASTA formatted sequences or paste FASTA formatted sequences for searching. You can select from a list of pre-formatted DIAMOND and BLAST databases OR upload your own. This can be pre-formatted or provided in FASTA format and formatted for you.

Sequence Query Type

Provide/load Query Sequence

Target/Database Selection

Upload your own database/target

Advanced Options
Expected number of chance matches in a random model. This number should be give in a decimal format.
Report only alignments above the given percentage of subject cover.
Report only alignments above the given percentage of query cover.
The maximum number of target sequences per query to report alignments for.

Upon Submission, your search will enter the queue with either BLAST or Diamond as the engine. You will be given a link to view the progress and results of the job.