1967: Hybrid vigor between M. lewisii and M. cardinalis
M. lewisii (dying plant on left), the F1 hybrid (vigorous plant in center), and M. cardinalis (vacancy on the right, dead) at Timberline, September, 1967, following an early autumn snowfall.

1996: Ready for the Field
John McKay is helping load the M. lewisii x M. cardinalis F2 plants to the truck, for the field work described in Schemske & Bradshaw (1999).

2006: Mimulus Meeting at Duke University

2006: Bob Vickery at age 84
Provided by Paul Beardsley

2007: Mimulus Meeting at NESCent

Mimulus street
Provided by Paul Beardsley

2019: The first Mimulus Functional Genomics Short Course (Storrs, CT)

2017: Mimulus Meeting (Portland, OR)

2019: Mimulus Meeting (Providence, RI)