Trade-offs between sexual and asexual reproduction in the genus Mimulus.

Trade-offs between sexual and asexual reproduction in the genus Mimulus.
Sutherland S, Vickery RK
Publication Date
1988 Aug

Six estimates of resource allocation to sexual reproduction (nectar concentration, nectar volume, sugar production, pollinator visitation rates, fruit-set, and seed production) and a single estimate of resource allocation to asexual reproduction (the rate of rooted-branch production) were examined for five species of Mimulus. There were significant interspecific differences for all paramaters. With the exception of nectar concentration, there was 1) a consistent positive correlation among the parameters measuring allocation to sexual reproduction, and 2) a significant negative correlation between parameters measuring allocation to sexual reproduction and the rate of rooted-branch production (asexual reproduction). The results indicate that Mimulus species which produce the highest volumes of nectar 1) receive the most pollinator visits, 2) have the highest fruit-set, 3) produce the most seeds, and 4) produce the fewest rooted branches.

Publication Type
Journal Article
Sutherland S, Vickery RK. Trade-offs between sexual and asexual reproduction in the genus Mimulus.. Oecologia. 1988 Aug; 76(3):330-335.
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