Effects of pollination and postpollination processes on selfing rate in Mimulus ringens.

Effects of pollination and postpollination processes on selfing rate in Mimulus ringens.
Sorin YB, Mitchell RJ, Trapnell DW, Karron JD
Publication Date
2016 08

Selfing rates vary widely within and among populations of self-compatible flowering plants. This variation is often attributed to differences in the amount and timing of self and outcross pollen deposition on stigmas, as well as to the influence of postpollination mechanisms that control fertilization success. This study explores the relative importance of pollination and postpollination processes in determining selfing rates in monkeyflower, Mimulus ringens.

We hand-pollinated flowers on 17 unrelated mothers with pollen from one of three experimental treatments intended to replicate field conditions: (1) simultaneous deposition of 50% self pollen and 50% outcross pollen from 5 unrelated donors; (2) self pollen followed 15 min later by application of an equal amount of outcross pollen from five unrelated donors; and (3) outcross pollen from 5 unrelated donors followed 15 min later by application of an equal amount of self pollen. We genotyped 757 progeny at 8 polymorphic microsatellite loci and used paternity exclusion to determine whether each seedling was selfed or outcrossed.

When self and outcross pollen arrived simultaneously, and when self pollen arrived 15 min prior to outcross pollen, the observed proportions of self and outcross progeny did not deviate from the expected 1:1 ratio. However, when outcross pollen was applied 15 min prior to self pollen, there was a significant excess of outcross progeny.

Selfing rate in Mimulus ringens is influenced by small differences in the timing of pollen arrival, but not by nonrandom postpollination sorting.

Publication Type
Journal Article
Sorin YB, Mitchell RJ, Trapnell DW, Karron JD. Effects of pollination and postpollination processes on selfing rate in Mimulus ringens.. American journal of botany. 2016 08; 103(8):1524-8.
Series Name: 
American journal of botany
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