Transgenerational effects alter plant defence and resistance in nature.

Transgenerational effects alter plant defence and resistance in nature.
Colicchio J
Publication Date
2017 Apr

Trichomes, or leaf hairs, are epidermal extensions that take a variety of forms and perform many functions in plants, including herbivore defence. In this study, I document genetically determined variation, within-generation plasticity, and a direct role of trichomes in herbivore defence for Mimulus guttatus. After establishing the relationship between trichomes and herbivory, I test for transgenerational effects of wounding on trichome density and herbivore resistance. Patterns of interannual variation in herbivore density and the high cost of plant defence makes plant-herbivore interactions a system in which transgenerational phenotypic plasticity (TPP) is apt to evolve. Here, I demonstrate that parental damage alters offspring trichome density and herbivore resistance in nature. Moreover, this response varies between populations. This is among the first studies to demonstrate that TPP contributes to variation in nature, and also suggests that selection can modify TPP in response to local conditions.

Publication Type
Journal Article
Colicchio J. Transgenerational effects alter plant defence and resistance in nature.. Journal of evolutionary biology. 2017 Apr; 30(4):664-680.
Series Name: 
Journal of evolutionary biology
Page Numbers: 